Making money from home is something more and more people are doing. Learn how to find work online and fund your future travels. Earning online can be simple, or challenging, but these tips will help anyone who is looking to work from home.
Whether you want to work from home to help with monthly bills, or to earn money for your travels, you are in the right place. Get a free training videos and 25+ genuine online job boards/groups you can join and start applying for work. There are many ways you can earn money and continue to live a travel lifestyle.
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Find Work Online
Working online has never been more accessible – and for many, it may be the only way they can earn an income. So, whether you’re looking for a side hustle, a new remote job, or to start an online business you’re passionate about, this article will show you how to get started today.
These won’t be some sleazy “work-from-home and get rich” schemes. You’ll be given different options to choose from. And I promise I know what I’m talking about! Plus, I’ve been making money while working online in over 20 years.
Don’t worry that you need a master’s degree (or even a bachelor’s) to be able to work and travel. Anyone with any education-level can find work online OR easily upskill and be able to join the online workforce in no time.
Let’s jump in! This article will cover:
- What type of work can be done online
- The three pathways to start working online
- What kind of online work usually includes benefits
- Where you can find online work and clients.
What type of work can be done online
Despite the digital nomad movement and a huge increase in online work opportunities around the world, there has been a misconception that only a few jobs can be done remotely. Most people believed that you needed to work in tech or as a blogger/influencer. Following recent events, this perception has changed and we now realize that many traditional roles can be remote.
If you haven’t already worked remotely or want to change industries, a great way to start is by looking at your existing skillset. Make a list of your abilities and experience, then identify what you could potentially use to make money.
The three pathways to start working online
The three main pathways to working online are:
- Working remotely as an employee or contractor
- Freelancing on projects or on a month-to-month basis
- Building an online business and a unique brand.
In each section, I’ve included links to free training and resources to help you get started. If you’re looking to make money as soon as possible without less upfront preparation, then working remotely or freelancing may be the most suitable option.
Work remotely from home or while traveling
Firstly, if you already have a full-time job you could ask to work remotely from home or while traveling. There are many companies who allow this, and actually encourage a work from home option.
If this isn’t possible with the current job you have (or if you don’t have one), then you can search for a new job you can do online. Applying for a remote job is similar to applying for a location-based job, except that there might be more competition because you’re essentially competing applicants from all over the world (depending on the industry and type of work).
An important distinction between being an employee and a contractor is not only the length of employment (e.g. permanent or for a fixed period) but also whether you are entitled to certain benefits such as health insurance or 401K/superannuation (or whatever the government retirement fund is called in your country). For both permanent employee or contract positions, there are part-time and full-time hours.
Freelance from home or while traveling
Secondly, freelancing has more flexibility than having a remote job as you can set your own rules about when, where, and how you work – as well as how much you charge per hour or project. Realistically, you could use the professional skills you already have and start searching for freelance work today. As long as you can show examples of your previous work.
If you’re new to freelancing, it can take a little time to figure out how much to charge so that you remain competitive without ripping yourself off. Also, how to market yourself, spot good clients, set clear boundaries, retain clients for longer, upsell your services, and much more.
As a freelancer, you’re considered self-employed for tax purposes. Therefore, you’ll need to take care of any government requirements around registering, tracking expenses, and filing taxes as well as your own retirement fund (this may also be the case if you are working as a contractor). However, that also means you can set your rate much higher than traditional and remote employees to cover your administrative costs and time.
Build an online business you can run from anywhere
Lastly, an online business has a higher earning potential than a remote job or freelance setup. That’s because business owners sell a solution to clients rather than selling their time e.g. charging by the hour. Also, many freelancers struggle with acquiring regular clients and end up constantly searching for work.
Meet Kate, she is a strategist and business coach who teaches professionals how to create their own work-from-anywhere business and get to six figures.
Learn all about Kate’s online coaching program and give it a try if you are stuggling getting a handle on freelancing. Even if you have a handle on things, a new fresh course never hurts anyone.
Where you can find online work and clients
Over the years, I’ve tried a lot of remote job boards, freelancing platforms, and Facebook groups to find online work. And in fact – nearly all my clients have come from Facebook groups! This a great way if you are searching for remote jobs or freelance clients.
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Whitney says
Very helpful insights. Thank you.
Chantell Collins says
You are so very welcome!
Sam says
Thanks for all this useful information and the resources are on point!
Chantell Collins says
You are welcome Sam! Good luck!